malam ni eddly dan saya akan bertolak. semoga selamat sampai dan dipermudahkan.
things to do:
kemas beg betul2. saya cari bju kurung. baju tu cik tolong buatkan. Edd pakai kemeja.
mandi sunat safar( musafir ), solat sunat safar and baca doa. then azan. bertolak dengan kaki kanan dan selawat. semoga kita selamat menjadi tetamuNya.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
satu malam, apit, zilah and edd datang umah kakak dia.
sambil citer2 pasal aktiviti..tiba2..
Apit kata: kalau gi melawat ladang unta jangan lupe minum susu unta. tp kena tutup hidung.
Yati kata: la . wat ape cakap. tak nak minumla.
apit kata: dah gi jauh2 rugi la tak minum.
yati kata: abis tu kalau gi mexico rugi la la tak kena selsema babi.
apit kata: kalau gi las vegas rugila tak gamble
yati kata: betul2 Aji.
mari kite tido sebab kakak dia keja esok. adik2 sume tak keja. kenapa yea..mari kita teka.
sambil citer2 pasal aktiviti..tiba2..
Apit kata: kalau gi melawat ladang unta jangan lupe minum susu unta. tp kena tutup hidung.
Yati kata: la . wat ape cakap. tak nak minumla.
apit kata: dah gi jauh2 rugi la tak minum.
yati kata: abis tu kalau gi mexico rugi la la tak kena selsema babi.
apit kata: kalau gi las vegas rugila tak gamble
yati kata: betul2 Aji.
mari kite tido sebab kakak dia keja esok. adik2 sume tak keja. kenapa yea..mari kita teka.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
preparation for umrah
its around two week for preparation. yesterday i went for a umrah guide session at masjid An-Nur USJ4. its improve my knowledge and get some idea about the situation. there are different situation between woman and man. especially during visit Nabi SAW. woman has a different entrance. beside that Raudah area also different and has a certain time to pray there. i hope to do well there.
also about niat for umrah. there are differnt niat if we are near with a menstual period. and if its happend we just do tahallul.
and also for shopping. please dont waste time. becoz most of it frm China.
also about niat for umrah. there are differnt niat if we are near with a menstual period. and if its happend we just do tahallul.
and also for shopping. please dont waste time. becoz most of it frm China.
Hidup bukan rahsia by Zabrina A. Bakar
ini adalah buku yang baru saya jumpe..hehe from my sis punye barang..dia g camping.intai-intai tgk buku dia. ada dua bijik. tp lain version. dulu ada gak tgk buku ni kat supermarket tp ms tu tight budget nk beli. alhamdulillah ada rezki nk baca. ala motivasi gitu.
betul ke hdp ini bukan rahsia? kita tak tahu apa yg akan berlaku esok. itu kan kira rahsia la kan.. belum abis baca lg buku ni.. tapi apa yang boleh dikatakan ialah jalani hidup ini dgn hati yang terbuka. apa yang berlaku dgn izinNya dan telah diatur dgn lebih awal. apa yang perlu dilakukan ialah terima dan terus berusaha untuk ke depan wpun dgn kadar yang amat perlahan. the most important is keep renewing for a good thing. jadi ia bukan rahsia la yea.
faham ke ni..ntah.saya pun tak bape pasti. tp yang pasti saya mmg suka simpan rahsia. hehe..
lapar lak..esk kena pekena n lemak ke tak..tak kuat iman. nk jugak. biasa beli lbh untk kekawan. bila depa tanye naper..senang. gemuk sesama. hehe.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
a long journey
Sunday, May 10, 2009
iQ test

Intelligence Interval | Cognitive Designation |
40 - 54 | Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers) |
55 - 69 | Challenged (2.3% of test takers) |
70 - 84 | Below average |
85 - 114 | Average (68% of test takers) |
115 - 129 | Above average |
130 - 144 | Gifted (2.3% of test takers) |
145 - 159 | Genius (Less than 1% of test takers) |
160 - 175 | Extraordinary genius |
from newspaper today, one girl from usa got 185. her age only 4yrs. mine age 31yrs..3 is my lucky no for today.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
55 kg
juz finish cooking. cook a different vege. trying to reduce ideal mass. anyw 65 kg its ok.only overweight. still not obesity. huahhuah..i also cook rice and i saw a lot of flea inside. emmm...its almost 4 month i bought that rice. faiza basmathi should put more preservative next time.
around last month my sis came to visit me and ask abt the flea inside the rice. she said im not hygienic. i said its halal no problem.but she was surprice why all the flea was dead. i told her that i dont how to control it and too lazy to clean it. so i close the tupperware tightly and after a long time all the oxygen will finish. the flea cannot breath then die.. she was surprice and said im cruel..hehe..again, she still not satisfied.
around last month my sis came to visit me and ask abt the flea inside the rice. she said im not hygienic. i said its halal no problem.but she was surprice why all the flea was dead. i told her that i dont how to control it and too lazy to clean it. so i close the tupperware tightly and after a long time all the oxygen will finish. the flea cannot breath then die.. she was surprice and said im cruel..hehe..again, she still not satisfied.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Labour day@shopping day
Wake up early today for a shopping purpose. The most enjoying thing i can do for now. I went back around 6.15pm. Take rest then now do launder. Opps i am not laundress but i just push the button and all the job done by the robot. It was present by my father.
As usual a lot of thing to buy. I buy things that need for a trip end of this month. Its a big thing. hope I can do my best and Allah shows the right path should i follow.I. Allah. As long as have oxygen gas to inhale and carbon dioxide to exhale...but i also need water and food. How about nasi lemak 80 sen for tomorrow's breakfast..sedapnya.
As usual a lot of thing to buy. I buy things that need for a trip end of this month. Its a big thing. hope I can do my best and Allah shows the right path should i follow.I. Allah. As long as have oxygen gas to inhale and carbon dioxide to exhale...but i also need water and food. How about nasi lemak 80 sen for tomorrow's breakfast..sedapnya.
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